Disney's The Princess and the Frog: Tiana's Beignets

I chose this weeks theme to be Disney for a few different reasons. One reason being that Disney was a huge part of my life, that I couldn't imagine my childhood without it. Disney is the embodiment of most people's childhood. Not only is Disney a huge part of a child's life, but it grows with us as we age. I watch movies I've seen when I was a little girl, I am able to experience even for an instance, the happiness and naivete that went along with childhood. Whether live action or animated, Disney touches the hearts of millions. 

I excitedly chose to recreate the dessert from The Princess and the Frog. Tiana, being the protagonist, comes from a poor neighborhood in New Orleans and tries with all her might to save up for the restaurant of her and her fathers dreams. Her father was a huge inspiration and the leading cause of her drive, especially after his death. He would make food for the whole block and teach Tiana how to cook. Her father says, "It brings folks together from all walks of life." But sadly when she has the restaurant in her grasps, it's yanked away from her. Through unlikely events Tiana meets Prince Naveen who has become a frog, where she soon follows in his footsteps by becoming a frog by kissing him in an attempt at turning him human once more. And like most Disney films, it all ends up okay and her dreams become a reality, with a few added bonuses. But the main thing I took away from the film was how prideful she is with all her dishes. And a dish she especially took great pride in was her beignets. Any one whose tried them believed it was fantastic! Tiana's best friend Charlotte La Bouff better known as Lottie, even requests for her to have her beignets at her party. Lottie says, "I'm gonna need about 500 of your man-catching beignets for my ball tonight!" 

Being a fan of Disney and a bigger fan of the Princess and the Frog I decided to try my hands at making homemade beignets. I used a recipe from Spark Recipes with a little more vanilla extract and nutmeg then it calls for. I also ended up frying the beignets for a shorter time then instructed because they were cooking faster then expected. I am happy with the result with it being my first attempt!
