Why themed cooking

    The purpose of this blog is to gain better imaginative cooking skills while further developing my writing. 

    This blog is dedicated to themed cooking based on film. This means each week I will create three dishes based on a famous story, whether that be a movie series or a TV show. I will post three times a week until the start of the school year and then I will post once a week. 

    I fell in love with journalism in high school when I became a yearbook journalist and then an editor. I've been attached to writing in general, since I was a little girl. 

    I chose to cover themed cooking because it incorporates two of my favorite things. Film and food. I hope to learn to explore different cooking styles. I have covered many beats throughout school, from high school to college.  

    A weakness of mine when it comes to writing is rambling. I have a habit of not letting my writing catch up with my thoughts. I would say a strength I have is the ability to paint a picture with words. 

    Themed Cooking is my first blogging experience! I am a little scared of keeping the blog updated, but I am confident I will be able to keep up with the weekly themes. 

    In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." 


  1. I would have never thought to write a blog based on film and cooking, its a very creative idea. I would suggest you taking a picture of your final product and posting it along with your blog post. One critique I have with your blog in general is that your have to click on your title to see your blog post. I think it makes it a little hard to find and would be better if you saw the blog post on your home page. I’m really excited to see how your blog progresses.


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