Chocolate Frogs

When Harry Potter sweets are thought of, the first thing that jumps in my head along with most Potter fans I would imagine, are the famed chocolate frogs. When Harry Potter and Ron Weasley first became friends, they shared a horde of sugary snacks on the Hogwarts Express on the way to the school. Harry gets a chocolate frog that to his bewilderment, jumps out of his window. The packaging that came with the frog shows a renowned figure in the wizarding world. Harry's first card was Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster at Hogwarts. But the figure quickly disappears with Ron saying, "You can't expect him to hang around all day."  

Chocolate frogs are the favored candies among Hogwarts students. The Hogwarts Express serves them on their trolleys. They are also sold at Honeydukes candy shop and many other places. 

There were a lot of recipes I could of chosen from, but I with the simple route. I used melted chocolate, layered frog molds and stuck it in the freezer for about 30 minutes. I then filled the core with my choosing of caramel and peanuts, but any variations will work. I then covered the fillings with another layer of melted chocolate to seal the candy as one piece. I froze the molds again for over an hour, once solid. It was a great success! 


  1. Wow these look very yummy! It’s pretty cool how they look like actual frogs and the recipe sounds very easy and simple! So, you can mix up the fillings for the middle? Maybe I’ll give this a try as I like to try new recipes and have my family try it out. Also that’s a cute plant!


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