Game of Thrones: Sansa's Lemon Cakes

Sansa Stark is one of the main female leads. Sansa goes through her share of an unbelievable amount of suffering. She starts off as a well, spoiled, young girl who wants the fairy tale life. She lived a simple life with little concern and fears, so it was an easy thing for her to dream of the perfect world and believe she could attain it. Her ideal life includes, but is not limited to a handsome prince, wonderful perfect children and a happily ever after. Her dreams come crashing to the ground when the prince she has her eyes on ends up being a devil in disguise, she get's tortured, sexually assaulted, abused and tormented to no end. Her dreams are replaced with the necessities of the real world. But through the pain she rises and becomes unexpectedly, a true leader. 

A common thing that most Game of Thrones fans would know, is Sansa's favorite dessert. Lemon cakes. Almost, every chance she could get she would devour lemon cakes. And as one of the best inspirational female roles I felt the need to honor her. 
