Scooby-Doo Pt. 3

Scooby-Doo is probably in my top 3 of favorite TV series of all time. And I have seen a lot of shows and movies. I once took a quiz matching me to a Scooby character and got Shaggy. When I started bragging about it, a friend of mine made a joke that maybe I shouldn't be so happy about getting Shaggy, I responded, "I beg to differ." And went on a whole spree about how Shaggy is one of the most iconic characters in the cinematic universe. 

To say that I was the most excited about this dish would be an understatement. When I thought Scooby-Doo snacks there was one clear option. Well, to me it was not really even a choice, it was a necessity. I bring you, Scooby Snacks. 

Now despite the fact that Scooby snacks are meant for dogs, which never stopped Shaggy, this recipe is ONLY for humans, meaning it includes coca powder. I used a coca cookie recipe from Taste of Home with a little extra Vanilla extract and about a 1/3 cup of whole milk which is not an ingredient asked for. Even as simple as this week's creations were, Scooby-Doo was my favorite theme!  

Since the course in concluding I can confidently say that I enjoy blogging. Even if no one enjoys what you write, it is a good way to practice your writing and is a way to keep your stress levels down. I liked that I could write about anything I wanted, but I disliked how certain sites won't let people leave comments if they do not have the right accounts. I will try my best to keep blogging once a week, dependent on time and fiances because I enjoyed combing my two favorite things; film and food! Blogging is a great way to tell and describe a story. My beat for example, can show what something might look like in real life and to an extent, bring the story to life. I'm not too sure if there really is anything I wish I would of known before the course, but I do hope to get better at knowing the design software of my site. 


  1. Hi Shelby! Wow that’s so cool that you made Scooby Snacks! They look delicious and I would love to try this recipe. It’s basically like a chocolate cookie right? I also agree that Shaggy is one of the most iconic characters. Anyways, it was fun reading your blog as it was different and creative!


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